Monday, March 8, 2010

Budget Cuts for disabilities

Some of you may have heard about the recent proposed budget cuts for the Department of Disabilities and Special Needs. The House Ways and Means Committee has recommended cutting DDSN State funding by $47 million. In total, this would be a $157 million cut to the agency when you add in the Medicaid matching funds.

Among the effects of such a cut would be the elimination of the PDD Waiver program. This program funds therapy services for approximately 60% of our clients and allows many of our employees to work doing a job they love.
Elimination of the program would mean an end to some services and a potential loss of jobs.

In response to this recommendation, many individuals are contacting their state representatives and politely asking them to vote against DDSN budget cuts. It is important that they know how much the PDD Waiver program means before the proposed cuts move further in the budget process. You can find out who represents you at this link to find out. 

Please join me in this fight to save the PDD Waiver! 

Friday, March 5, 2010

2 months until Paradise!

So back in January, Steven and I decided that we deserved an awesome vacation this year! We have been crazy busy this past year and really wanted to go somewhere similar to our honeymoon. So we decided to take this boat
Carnival Inspirtation Cruise Ship

to these islands


And after this week I have had, I cannot wait!!!