Thursday, August 26, 2010

August 26

This is a date that will forever be in mine and Steven's hearts. It is a date that is very hard for me to say or talk about. Just want to sum it up with this beautiful song by Casting Crowns. If you are in a storm, believe me, I know how it feels to say "God, where are you?" I thought by now He would have already picked us up, but He does things on his time. Anyways, I love this song! Please listen to the words!

Friday, August 20, 2010

New Floors!

So this summer has been such a busy one! I'll be trying to catch you up over the next few weeks! We decided to put in hard woods because the dogs were continually keeping the carpet dirty. ;) So here are some before pictures:


Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Remembering Mama Lou

Our family had a sorrowful July with the passing of Mama Lou and my great Uncle Roy on the same day. My heart hurts from Mama Lou's sister who lost her sister and husband on the same day. I can't even imagine the pain of that. Although, we are still numb from those few weeks and sometimes don't believe it's real. I was blessed to spend a lot of time with her all my life. Her funeral was a celebration of her life lived as a christian woman. Brad Atkins did an amazing job. She loved buying things not only for herself, but for everyone else too. She was dearly missed at all of our birthdays in July. She would have been so upset to know that she messed up and missed all our birthdays. But I know she hasn't thought twice about it since she walked through those pearly gates! We were blessed that every family member was present with her when she took her last breath. She wasn't alone and I know Grandaddy was waiting at the gates for her. I will leave you with the last video and pictures I have of her from Easter. Cherish your Grandparents everyday you have with them! They may get on your nerves sometimes, but they will not be here forever.
Easter 2010